Blog Archives for tag Holidays

Saddle Up with My Little Pony at City Square Mall {Giveaway for Pony Interaction}

This March School Holidays, there were so many activities at the shopping malls. Since Sophie is in the childcare, she… Continue reading »

Whale Watching Adventure in Hualien 花莲, Taiwan

Last May, we went to Taiwan and I can’t believe that I didn’t even complete my Taiwan posts on Hualien… Continue reading »

A Magical Disneyland Holiday

In 2007, we visited Japan and went to Tokyo Disneyland. True as they say, it was indeed the most magical… Continue reading »

Wordless Wednesday- shopping hauls from Taiwan

I’m finally back from my 10 days holiday in Taiwan. As expected, there was lots of walking, sight seeing, eating… Continue reading »

Disconnect to connect

In case you’ve dropped by and wondered where I’ve gone, I’m disconnecting and doing more connecting with the family on… Continue reading »