Blog Archives for tag family holiday

Bali Safari and Marine Park – A Safari Adventure in Bali

I’m a wanderlust at heart and live for my holidays. This year, we decided that we’ll continue to take Sophie… Continue reading »

Thursday Travel Throwback – Trick Art Museum in Jeju Island, South Korea

If you’re visiting South Korea, one of the places that I highly recommend is Jeju island. In fact, the locals… Continue reading »

Taiwan Summer Fun in Hualien 花莲, Taroko Gorge 太鲁阁

After spending two days in Cing Jing, the next leg of our Taiwan free and easy Summer adventure was to… Continue reading »

Green Green Grassland (青青草原) and Small Swiss Garden (瑞士小花园), Cing Jing

 When we did our research on Cing Jing, two of the must go tourist attractions were Green Green Grassland (青青草原)… Continue reading »