Blog Archives for tag exercise

My Little Champ – Scrapbooking Sophie’s First Race

Sophie took part in the Cold Storage Kids Run last Sunday at Gardens by the Bay. And like all proud mamas… Continue reading »

Getting ready for our first Cold Storage Kids Run

Sophie may be a sporty little gal but this will be her or rather our first time taking part in… Continue reading »

Those Were The Days – The Sporty Days

As parents, having kids gives us the perfect excuse to relive our childhood through them. I like to think that… Continue reading »

Motivational Mondays – Making time for exercise

Who has time for exercise? As a working mum I can definitely relate to that. After work, I come home… Continue reading »

Saturday Snapshots- Getting active with mummy

Now that Sophie has started her Chinese enrichment class at EduPlus, Saturday mornings are so so precious. While the class… Continue reading »