How was your weekend? My usual lament of a short weekend will not apply for me, because lucky for me we’re heading for a beach vacation to Phuket this week. Truth be told, I was in two minds about the trip as I’m not completely out of the red, so to speak and the bleeding continued though I’m on a 21-days hormone medication.
But since this short getaway is not just for me but also for the family, I decided to see another gyne as suggested by my friends just to ensure that everything is fine as my regular gyne was still away. And I glad I did because this private gyne was able to diagnosed the cause of the heavy bleeding, unlike KKH (what a waste of time and money, $^)&)#).
Anyway according to her, there is just one fibroid that’s causing this problem and she recommended an operation to solve the issue otherwise the same problem will just keep plaguing me every month. And since my health comes first, I’ve decided to have it done next month. Meanwhile, I’ve been prepped up with stronger medicine for the trip and hope I do get the chance to chill in the pool. Otherwise, I’ll just have to take comfort that at least I’m away on a vacation with the family (a third one for us this year) with lots of time to just rest and relax with a coconut in hand.

Sophie counting down to Phuket
My family has been nothing but supportive during this rather demoralizing period. So they definitely deserve to enjoy themselves. As for me, being with family is more than I can ask especially one that sees me through thick and thin.
On a happier note, here’s sharing our wonderfully taken family photos by Steph Tan. Steph is a local photographer whom I got to know from my community of mum bloggers. Every year, she does a charity Pass it On campaign to raise money in support of WorldVision’s Sponsor a Child Programme. This year, I made an appointment with her and we were not disappointed.
The venue was at Bishan Park, and the theme was inspired by the movie Up where she used lots of colourful helium balloons.

Always Daddy’s little girl
While I love being behind the camera to capture precious family moments, I’m usually not in most of the photographs. So I’m really glad we did the photoshoot because Steph captured this most treasured moment between Sophie and myself where we were sharing a good laugh.
My favourite photo of us three where little Sophie was squeezed like an orange in her words!
We hope you’ll always have cherished family moments in your homes.
Link up for Motivational Mondays
Do link up every Monday on what motivates you to be better be it a fitness goal, parenting, marriage, etc. Share your recent posts and encourage someone. Share your recent posts and encourage someone. Don’t forget to grab my badge and include it in your post after you have linked up and leave me a comment too.
I host Motivational Monday every week and I hope that you can join me every Monday. Have a great week ahead!
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Tagged: family, family vacation
have a safe and enjoyable trip Susan!! Such beautiful family photos.. I must remember to sign up with her next year for the drive too! Remind me k? haha
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Sure. I made a mental reminder to sign up when I saw Steph’s heads up on her Facebook page. Will remind you if I remember too 🙂
The family photos look so awesome and I believe the Phuket vacation will do your spirits (and health) lotsa good. Have a wonderful time and see you when you return!
Thanks Angeline. I’m looking forward to it.
Glad to hear you’re taking a well needed trip and may God bless you with smooth ops and good recovery! Take care!
Thanks so much Angelia.
The pictures are lovely, Susan! I’m glad you are able to take some time off for a family vacation. Do enjoy your trip! Sun and sea is always good for the soul ;p
Yes. I’m looking forward to the beach therapy 🙂
[…] went for Steph’s Pass It On Campaign and got our family photos beautifully captured. These are so so precious and captured the precious […]
[…] were also a few from our family photography session with Steph Tan last year during her Pass it On project. This one here of the three of us is one of my favourite […]