Blog Archives for category Books

{Review and Giveaway} Science Comes Alive with Singapore’s first AR Encyclopedia

If you have primary school going children, you’ll hear how Primary 3 gets more challenging with the introduction of Science…. Continue reading »

Learning Chinese with Comics {June Holidays Giveaway}

Chinese is one of those subjects in school that children either love or hate. I remembered reading the importance of… Continue reading »

Primary Two Diary – 30 minutes revision + recommended list of assessment books

I’ll like to think I’m a pretty chill mum when it comes to Sophie’s studies. However, all alarm bells went… Continue reading »

Teaching Writing to Lower Primary

With Sophie in Primary 2 this year, I decided to put in more effort to teach her English writing while… Continue reading »

Raising Young Thinkers

At 7 years old, Sophie is at an age where she’s outgrown picture books. In fact, she’s grown to be… Continue reading »