And so the journey towards preparing for Primary One has begun. First on the list, signing up to be a parent volunteer.
Will it give Sophie a guaranteed spot in our desired school? No, but we’re giving it a shot since the school is just a stone’s throw away from our place. We feel it would give us a glimpse of what we can expect when Sophie goes to primary school. Plus, it’s one of the better school in the neighborhood and no it’s not even a branded school. But we like it’s emphasis on values and character building. We are however worried if she’ll adapt well since it’s a SAP school where there is a greater emphasis on Mandarin, that’s why we signed her up for Berries enrichment classes recently.
For Sophie, primary school is when mummy will buy her a trolley bag with wheels to school. But then again maybe not, since I’ve had so many well-meaning mums advising against it especially if her class is not on the first floor.
Keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll be successful to get her in the school, PV route or not.
Do you have a child that going to primary school or Is your child already in primary school? How did you choose the school and did you also sign up as a parent volunteer?
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Tagged: education, education system, primary one, primary school
does all school PV form look the same. the one i submitted look exactly the same as urs ?
May well have been a copy and paste 🙂
My boy is entering P1 in the same year as Sophie and I signed up to be a parent volunteer at our school of choice early this year. We received a letter yesterday informing us that balloting has to be done for selection of volunteers. And the school is a neighborhood one! It’s our one and only choice since it’s just across the road from our place; but I’m getting stressed up just thinking about the balloting results. Geez!
All the best in getting the school of your choice!
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Count down to Primary 1: 6 more months for us! Ahhhhhh!!!!!
All the best Adora!
The qualifications for parent volunteer certainly are high at the school :). In the states, it’s like, who has time? Ok, you’re hired. Anywho, good luck! Luckily we live in a fairly good district so my son will go to public school when he’s ready for kindergarten.
I believe these are just the most basic roles up for parent volunteers. I’ve heard of parents who offered to help in the school’s concerts, or even in extra cirriculum activities. In Singapore, there are parents who are determined that their kids must be enrolled in branded schools and will do anything including huge donations to get them me. For me, it’s the distance that is the key consdieration.