Blog Archives for tag primary school

Supporting our children even when we’re disappointed

With the year-end exams done and dusted, many parents are now waiting to see how our children will fare in… Continue reading »

When expectations turn into exasperation

It’s the last quarter of 2020. Like many others, I don’t know what the year-end has in store for us… Continue reading »

Improve Composition Writing with Big Ideaz Online Course

Feeling baffled when your child scores poorly for composition even though they are avid readers? You are not alone. It… Continue reading »

{Review and Giveaway} Science Comes Alive with Singapore’s first AR Encyclopedia

If you have primary school going children, you’ll hear how Primary 3 gets more challenging with the introduction of Science…. Continue reading »

Tackling Science in Primary 3

The first two months of 2018 went by so quickly and before I know it Term 1 is over for… Continue reading »