Improve Composition Writing with Big Ideaz Online Course

Feeling baffled when your child scores poorly for composition even though they are avid readers? You are not alone.

It is a common myth that just because a child enjoys reading, they will naturally write well.

If you are looking for ways to improve your child’s composition writing but dread another logistics hassle, here’s a convenient alternative – Big Ideaz Education online writing course.

Big Ideaz Education Online Writing Academy

Hui Ing, a former English primary school started Big Ideaz Education with a goal to impart writing techniques and develop primary school children’s writing skills through her online writing courses.

When Hui Ing approached me to enrol Sophie for the online writing course, I was so relieved because I was pulling my hair out every day trying to coach Sophie myself.

Big Ideaz offers three online learning classes according to your child’s level, namely:

  • Junior Writing Academy – P4-P6
  • Writing Academy – P4-P6
  • Write Now- P4-P6

Sophie is most suited for Writing Academy, as it is structured for upper primary students writing the PSLE format composition with three pictures given.

What to Expect in Big Ideaz Online Writing Course

Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect from the online writing course.

4 video lessons of approximately 5 to 10 minutes are released every month. At the end of the lessons, there are writing assignments to be completed.

Here’s Sophie sitting through the first video lesson on writing the introduction.

I sat through the initial lessons in with Sophie and found that each lesson had a comfortable pace with bite-size take-aways. The lessons were progressive and new lessons were like building blocks, adding more depth to the earlier lessons after she has grasped the technique to improve her writing.

I liked the framework “SAFE”, to guide students as they write their introduction.

SAFE stands for Speech, Action and Feelings or Emotions.

Image credit from Big Ideaz Education

Image credit from Big Ideaz Education

Sophie’s assignments are marked by experienced former Primary School teacher and returned within 5 workings day from submission.

I liked that they always provide encouraging and constructive feedback to help Sophie improve her writing. Their suggestions are also succinct and to the point, giving students and parents an idea on how they can further develop their writing skills.

Here are some samples.

As a parent, the feedback gives me a clearer picture of how Sophie can improve her writing. Notice that there is no need to use superfluous and bombastic phrases and what Sophie needs to work on is to  describe each picture to have a more developed story.

The advantage of such online course is the easy learning accessibility from home where Sophie can turn on the computer to learn any time and the onus is on her to be disciplined.

We targeted to do the lesson weekly so that Sophie develops a habit of writing regularly. But there are times when we forget, bringing me to the cons of an online programme.

Getting the most from an online writing course

As an online writing course, this programme has its limitation and may not be suitable for every child. In the FAQ section on Big Ideaz Education’s website, they are very upfront to point out that different students have different learning styles.

As parents, you need to assess if your child is able to work well at home and can learn independently from videos and presentations. This course is suitable for students who need a structured programme to get them to write weekly at home.

After a month and a half, Sophie preferred to be in a class where there’s human interaction; to ask questions on the spot and get feedback immediately. Hui Ing also provides weekly live writing classes, but her location is too far for us.

I also provided feedback that parents may want the option of selecting modules, allowing students to zoom in on areas they need help. This is especially useful if the exams are approaching and students need to brush up on certain writing techniques.

I’m glad that we gave this online writing course a shot and picked up valuable writing techniques. Hui Ing was very gracious when I offered my feedback and she even told me to go ahead to write an objective blog review of the course.

Discount for Big Ideaz Education Writing Academy

Hui Ing has kindly extended a 10% discount for all my readers.

Simply apply this discount code upon checkout for Writing Academy : AJUGGLINGMOM. The discounted price will be applicable every month.

June Holiday Creative Writing Workshops

In addition, there’s an upcoming creative writing workshop happening during the June school holidays.

Slots are filling up fast, so head to the link to find out more.


There are so many free resources that you can check out on their blog and Facebook page, so do give them a visit and don’t forget to like their page.


If this article has been useful, here are some other articles on Composition Writing and Primary School learning.


*  A Juggling Mom was offered complimentary classes to write this review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions and photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

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