Blog Archives for tag diet

Motivational Mondays- Breaking through an exercise rut

We’re into the fifth week of January. How’s everyone doing in their fitness goals? Somehow my engine is still not… Continue reading »

Motivational Mondays – Making the change for a healthier me (Part 1)

A couple of weekends ago, I was at the Health and You exhibition at Suntec and had my BMI measured…. Continue reading »

Grapefruit – the weight loss wonder fruit

I’m sure many of you would be familar with the grapefruit diet that was popular back in the 80s. There… Continue reading »

Weight Loss Tips … or maybe not

If you’re a female, you’ll agree that “that time of the month” is no fun for us. For some reason,… Continue reading »

The Biggest Loser

It’s been a month and I’m proud to say that I’ve been faithfully sticking to my New Year’s Resolution. Don’t I deserve… Continue reading »