Search results for "motivational monday"

Developing a love for Chinese in children

This is the second week that Sophie came home with homework from her Mandarin teacher. And just when I thought… Continue reading »

Hope for our Nation. Hope for my Family

National Day is an extra special day for us. Because not only is it a day to commemorate our Nation’s independence… Continue reading »

A Mummy Confession – Mummies needs a break too

Can I make a confession? I absolutely loved the mummy break I had two weekends ago. I know it sounds… Continue reading »

Time Management – Eliminating time wasters

If you haven’t heard of the highly popular game Candy Crush, I don’t know which planet you’ve been living on…. Continue reading »

What love means when you’re parents

Last Thursday was Valentine’s Day. While we didn’t make any special plans for that day, I was secretly hoping and… Continue reading »