Starting the New Year strong with a thankful heart

How was your New Year?

In line with keeping to my New Year’s Resolution of getting fitter, I kicked myself out of bed and went for a jog. Well technically, I was woken up by a very chirpy Little Miss Sunshine who decided that a Public Holiday was no excuse to sleep past 8:30am. So, not wanting to waste a good morning, I put on my jogging shoes and went for a jog around my estate.

I felt good after exercising… although it felt harder than usual. I promised myself that this will be the start of a fitter and stronger me in 2012. And while I do want to lose the extra pounds, I’m reminding myself that I am not my weight. A healthy self image is much more important to a lady than to get too hung up over the digits on a weighing scale.

In the afternoon, we headed to the east and ended up at Astons Specialties in Katong for lunch. If this was the standard of all their branches, I swear it will be my first and last time there. But, before I could complain further, I’m reminded of my New Year’s Resolution and instead was thankful for the wonderful company of my family and sister as we enjoyed our meal.

Playing with food

After an afternoon of fun, Sophie knocked out in her pram. After she was roused from her nap after an hour or so, I picked her up and lulled her to sleep.

As I carried her in my arms, I had an indescribable sense of wonder swept over me.  Of how this little life can bring out the best and even sometimes the worst in me. How she can be both a joy and a heartache at times. How I can be kept up at night worrying if I’ve been a good mom to her. These are the feelings that only a mom can truly understand. And for that moment, I was thankful. Thankful that I have her as my daughter and how awesome that responsibility is.

Thank you Sophie for being part of our lives!

What are you thankful for today?

Don’t forget to check if you’re one of the lucky winners of the Ipanema Beach Kit give away too!

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  1. June January 4, 2012 at 12:11 am Reply

    Aww…You’ve been an awesome mom to Sophie, Susan! And a wonderful friend to many, including me, heh. :p Here’s to a more meaningful, purpose-filled and faith-filled life in 2012!

    • Susan January 4, 2012 at 3:01 pm Reply

      Thanks. Much to look forward in 2012 and so thankful for our friendship too, June.

  2. Ai Sakura January 4, 2012 at 2:21 pm Reply

    sophie is such a lil darling! 🙂 on my list of resolutions is to lose some weight too haha.. although, it has been on the top of my list for many years already ;p

    • Susan January 4, 2012 at 9:23 pm Reply

      I think it’s the same for most people. But there’s no harm making it your resolution and aim for that this year.

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