Motivational Mondays – Never Let Go

I can’t remember the last time when Alexis and I watched a non-cartoon movie. It’s been a while and we finally went on a movie date without Sophie and watched Gravity. This was a movie where I went in not knowing what the synopsis was and simply banked on the fact that since it was starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, it shouldn’t be that bad.

The movie left me on the edge of my seat and had my heart racing as fast as when I was on Space Mountain. Watching it 3D in iMax also made a great difference as the visual effects were captivating and top in it’s game. Without giving away too much of the plot, this  movie was one where I left with a slight heaviness but greater sense of purpose though it was far from a happily ever after ending.

And the tagline- Never Let Go, was just so apt as Sandra struggled not to lose hope as she fought for her survival in space even when she had everything against her.

The ironic thing was right after the movie, Alexis and I had an argument. One which had us raising our voices at each other and me storming off in the opposite direction. I know how petty it all sounds now and I’m glad that we’ve reconciled. But at the moment, all I wanted was to state my point of view and not hear about the short-comings he pointed in me. Hurtful words were exchanged, voices were raised but I refused to apologised.  I know I hardly come across as a stubborn person, but when I’m with Alexis, I’m as obstinate as a mule.

In between tears, while reading the newspapers back home (yes, that’s what I really did), I saw a section in Life where wives wrote in, in praise of their hubbies who have shouldered the parenting role alongside them and how their hubbies been a great father and husband. And there were not just one contribution but as many as five stories.

As I read those stories, tears welled up a again. Because every one of those stories reminded me to not let go of what’s important in our marriage. Sure we have our differences from time to time, but we can always as a couple, agree to disagree. In fact, it’s often in our differences that we learn to see things from other’s perspective and form a more holistic point of view. At the end of the day, I have to remember, we’re a team. A team who has the same goal and same destination. And in a world where we can have so much against us, it can sometimes feel like a fight for our marriage survival.

But when some is as important as marriage, it’s worth fighting for and never letting go.



Do link up every Monday with my Motivational Mondays post. Don’t forget to grab my badge and include it in your post after you have linked up and leave me a comment too. I will be hosting Motivational Monday every week and I hope that you can join me every Monday. Have a great week ahead!
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Comments: 5

  1. Serenely October 7, 2013 at 10:28 am Reply

    Wow, that is some raw and real sharing there. Our couple arguments are definitely so real, and as you say usually revolve around the most small, silly little things. Well, even though you felt like you had “let go” for a moment, good that you grabbed on to the very first reason to hang on to find reconciliation as soon as you could!

    • Susan October 7, 2013 at 6:03 pm Reply

      Yes, I didn’t see it that way, letting go of our differences and holding onto what’s most important. Thanks for leaving a note, Serene.

  2. Barb @ A Life in Balance October 9, 2013 at 3:41 am Reply

    I’ve been thinking about going to see Gravity with my dh. The commercials are so compelling.

    Sometimes it is hard to remember the important stuff. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Jin Ai October 14, 2013 at 3:02 am Reply

    Building that hubby-wifey team is so important, yes! A great reminder. And it’s what makes life happy for the kids too.

    • Susan October 17, 2013 at 10:08 am Reply

      Yes it is so important to keep remembering that especially when our minds are often so occupied with the kids. Thanks for leaving a note.

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