Merry Mondays {Linky party} – Mother’s Day

I just returned from a 5 days trip in Bangkok. It was a holiday sans Sophie where hubby and I indulged in lots of shopping, daily massages and yes the awesome Thai food.

Although I missed Sophie who was so far away, I was really thankful to spend some time away from home with the hubby. With temperatures that soared as high as 40 degrees on some days, I can hardly imagine what kind of holiday it will be if I had to bring along a grouchy toddler who can’t stand the heat with us.

So this guilt-free mummy shopped to my heart’s content without the need to worry about nap time, meal time or bed time. Plus I get to sleep in… well maybe not so much sleeping in since I’m a self proclaimed travel nazi and would waste no time lazing in bed on a holiday.

When I called home on Friday, my heart ached to hear Sophie over the phone.

Sophie:”Mama I make card for Mother’s Day. And flowers and cookie for you.” 

Me: “Is it for Mother’s Day?”

Sophie:” Yes, Mama Happy Day!”

It was a heart melting moment for me.

Never mind the fact that I was actually getting a day off on Mother’s Day and being pampered with all the retail therapy. I was looking forward to come home on Sunday and hug Sophie real tight in my arms. It is after all Mother’s Day and as a mom, aren’t you supposed to spend it with your child who celebrates you?

But Sophie had other things on her mind as she greeted me at the gate.

Sophie:” Mama, Daddy I miss you! Where’s my present? Did you buy Sophie present?”

I had to demand for my card and flowers and a hug before digging out her toys from my luggage. She was so happy to see her toys and it didn’t really bother her that we were away for 5 days at all.

But for me, I was glad to have been able to spend Mother’s Day with my little girl.

Sophie feeding me the cookie that she baked in school

 Mother’s Day card


She must have missed me so much because that night when I put her to sleep, she went on and on about what she did in grandma’s place, the card that she made, where her grandparents brought her and many other stories. Even at 11, she refused to sleep and asked me to sing one more song, and another and another. As tired as I was, I happily obliged and was just glad to put her to bed last night.


Signing off with a quote for all Mothers.

“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts.

A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”

‘); // ]]>

I hope you had a good Mother’s Day celebration with your family? Do link up if you have a Mother’s Day post too 🙂

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  1. Cindy Ow May 14, 2012 at 10:48 pm Reply

    so sweet

  2. Susan Koh May 14, 2012 at 10:52 pm Reply

    I forget to add that I was smothered by her kisses when I asked her for many, many kisses for mummy 🙂

  3. Regina May 14, 2012 at 11:17 pm Reply

    Sophie is so sweet! Kids have their own language, and they say things in a lot of ways. She must have missed you as much as you did her, that’s why she wanted to share the details of her time spent away as well.

    Glad you enjoyed the trip, though! 🙂

    • Susan May 14, 2012 at 11:58 pm Reply

      Yes, I’m pretty sure she did miss us but was more interested in receiving toys than expressing how much she missed me until it was bed time.

  4. Shi Ting (@Lobsterpaints) May 15, 2012 at 12:38 am Reply

    Happy Mothers’ Day to you!

    • Susan May 15, 2012 at 9:29 am Reply

      Thanks Shi Ting 🙂

  5. Gigi May 15, 2012 at 10:21 am Reply

    Hi Susan, just dropping by to let you know i love reading your blog. Happy Mother’s Day 🙂

    • Susan May 16, 2012 at 6:46 am Reply

      Aww thanks Gi Gi! And a Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you too! Little Chuck is at such a cute age now. Enjoy it.

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