Making learning yummy

I was looking forward to this weekend as a couple of my girlfriends and I had planned a play date for our little ones. But I had to be the weakest link and fell sick during the middle of the week, which was a total bummer by itself. Since one of them has a new born at home, I decided that it’s only right of me to excuse myself and keep my flu bug to myself, so we’ve postponed the play date. (Sorry about it girls!)

While planning for this, we decided to have an animal theme to make it more interesting for the kids.

So while preparing for it, I sourced for different ways to introduce animals friends to toddler. And for Sophie, the undeniable way to get to her is with FOOD!

Here’s what I found from the supermarket!

These are available from NTUC. The box with the purple hippo is $1.80 and the one from Meiji is $1.55 for two boxes when on offer. Definitely very wallet friendly snacks for the kids.

It’s a zoo in there

My little munchster eating a “chicken”

For the older ones, the back of the box also serves as a game where they can try matching the animal’s favorite food.

Sophie had a fun time identifying the animals before popping them and into her mouth. Instant gratification.

After you’ve had all that biscuits, Sophie has a friendly reminder to drink lots of water and don’t end up with a sore throat like mama.

Do you have any interesting ways of introducing animals to your kids too?
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  1. Corsage @ A Dollop Of Me August 14, 2011 at 11:16 pm Reply

    How cute to plan a theme! She certain looks like she’s enjoying the biscuits 🙂

    • Susan August 15, 2011 at 2:40 pm Reply

      A theme does help in terms of planning activities. Plus we get to play dress up! Oh yes she likes the biscuits a lot.

  2. June August 14, 2011 at 11:36 pm Reply

    Aww this is such a gd and delicious idea! 🙂 and don’t feel bad at all, it certainly wasn’t yr fault that u fell ill! (hope ur better already?)

    • Susan August 15, 2011 at 6:00 pm Reply

      I got better over the weekend then started coughing today. Must be the Monday blues… Hope I’ll get well in time for the next play date!

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