It’s the Season of Giving

The Christmas spirit is in the air everywhere we turned in town over the weekends.

It’s the season where we all get busy writing our Christmas list, shopping for Christmas gifts and looking forward to a Christmas feast with friends and family.  But while we immerse ourselves in all the revelry,  there is a group, a group of children who will not know the warmth of this season simply because they will go to bed hungry just as they got up hungry.

A group of mommy bloggers are coming together to help raise awareness for the Children’s Hunger Fund. It was recently reported that we have reach global population of 7 billion people. But out of these 7 billion people, 1 billion people are in hunger everyday.

In particular, 6 million children might die from hunger related causes this year, if no help is given to them. That is heart breaking for any parent to hear, especially when we live in a land where we and our kids are blessed with food, healthy, nutritious and wholesome food.

According to Children’s Hunger Fund

US 5 cents is enough to provide a hungry child a meal

And with US 5 dollars, you can feed a village of a 100 children


So I am appealing to you for your participation in this little fund raising activity. All you need to do is this:

1. Crop and paste any of the information here on your blog site, together with this logo (just right click and save image in your hard drive)

2. Appeal for friends and readers on your site to go directly to this page to make direct contributions. All it takes is US $5.00 for 100 meals for the children. Of course, it will be great if you can contribute more. You can also go to this page to make a direct contribution to areas that are most needed; like disaster relief.

3. Organise your own fund raising activity.

There are plenty of ideas that you can adopt to raise the funds;
– Bake sale
– Make and Sell a product
– Give up a birthday gift
– Lose weight by missing a meal and contributing what you might have spent on the meal to the Children’s Hunger Fund

4. If you have a preschooler or a child who has learnt to save some money, talk to him/her to see if he can give a little of his money to help to feed hungry children.

Children’s Hunger Fund is a Christian nonprofit organization that works to alleviate the suffering of children in impoverished regions across America and around the world. Since CHF began in 1991, many with their donations have helped them distribute more than $927 million in food and other resources to serve the needs of more than 10 million children in thirty-five U.S. states and seventy-two countries worldwide.

I was planning to bake Christmas cake pops to raise funds. But as I will be away for a holiday soon, I didn’t want to commit to something that I can’t deliver. So if you’re a fan of cake pops and would like to give to a meaningful cause this Christmas, do check back in again.

But of course, if that does not materialize, I will make a contribution to the CHF as my gift to the children this Christmas.

Why not make a difference for these children and spread the word on your Facebook, Twitter or blog and participate in this fund raiser activity.  My deepest appreciation and thanks in advance for your kind and giving contribution to Children’s Hunger Fund!

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