Sophie is one restless soul who can’t sit still and do nothing. She used to always complain, “I’m so bored, what can I do?” But after I told her that only boring people say they are bored, she’s changed her question to, ‘what can I do?”on repeat mode for a hundred times. Which is really her way of, pass me the handphone already.
I’ve a feeling she’s not alone and most parents struggle with how to keep your boredom at bay for kids without wiping out electronic gadgets.
Just the other day, she did it again and got a lengthy lecture from me on why I will not allow her to use the iPad or handphone especially at meal times and told her to think of ways to keep herself busy. Turns out she really did it and I was really proud of her own initiative.
Her ammunition of boredom buster activities
Activity books – sticker books, chinese writing book and a maths book (Her idea, not mine)
Story books, colouring pencils, mini jig-saw (from Diaso) and some toys
If these are not your kid’s cup of tea, here are 20 other ideas!
20 Ideas for Bored Kids
When you’re out
- Play a game of I Spy
- Bring puzzles
- Lie in the grass and look at the clouds
- Explore small areas of nature with a magnifying glass
- Play with your food and make tangrams
- Fold origami
- Make up silly songs or stories
- Make a list of the things you kids likes, dislikes
- Play name that tune
- Good old scissors, paper stone
When you’re home
- Get active- learn to jump rope, go roller blading
- Make up a secret handshake
- Count how many times you can spin in a circle without getting dizzy
- Pass them the camera and have a photo scavenger hunt
- Have a fashion show with mummy or daddy’s clothes
- Construct an indoor obstacle course
- Learn a new card game
- Make a comic strip
- Learn magic tricks
- Have movie night
What are your kids favourite boredom busters? Do share, I’ll love to hear more new ideas too!
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