Thankful Thursdays-Counting My Blessings One By One

For my 2nd day of Orientation at work, I had to travel to the Tampines office. Thankfully, I had a direct bus that takes me right to the doorstep of the office in under an hour.

While I was enjoying the morning breeze to the bus stop, I felt a nudge to pick up my pace and hurry a little. I would have preferred to take a more leisurely stroll but I felt I had to walk faster or even jog to the bus stop. So I did, and I almost couldn’t believe it, but just as I reached the bus stop, I saw my bus approaching the bus stop. If I had missed it, I may have to wait for another 15-20mins.

As I was catching my breadth in the bus, I knew within that it was God’s voice. After all,  God is creative and can speak in many way; not necessarily in a booming voice and it can be as simple as a gentle nudge. Awesome right?

During orientation, I was very surprised that the CEO actually made an effort to address and even take questions from the new hires. That speaks lots of leadership who value people. A lot of companies may say that they value people, simply because it sounds good, but have no employees to concur with that. So this is walking the talk.

Oh and have you heard how lucky I got, winning two give aways? One from Beatricetan and one from Missuschewy.

Pink Love Box from Beatrice 

A bottle of Mascato and  catering discount from Purple Sage

Received the sweetest Valentine’s card from Sophie! 🙁 I didn’t even get a card or present from the hubby.

But instead, he did help to put Sophie to sleep so that I can keep up with my exercise routine, which I’m trying to maintain at 3X a week, which is a real challenge for a working mom. And also time to be by myself to cook my meals packed with lots of goodness.

So that’s my thanksgiving for the week. What are you thankful for this week?

Oh yes, thankful that it’s finally Friday, TGIF!

Results of my Hello Kitty coming up over the weekends. Do check back to see if you’re one of the lucky ones 🙂



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  1. Ai Sakura February 17, 2012 at 9:49 pm Reply

    Glad to see that you are liking your new workplace 🙂 And congrats on winning 2 giveaways! I don’t drink wine but that goodie box of make-up looks lovely..

    • Susan February 18, 2012 at 2:58 pm Reply

      Thanks. Waiting for a reason to open my bottle of wine 🙂 Was nice to see you and your girl today. Hope she enjoyed herself and had a good nap after that. Sophie knocked out even before she got home.

  2. Kareen Leow February 17, 2012 at 10:25 pm Reply

    Hi you left Pru ? N moved on to AIA? Hv a great new career !

  3. A Juggling Mom February 18, 2012 at 12:07 am Reply

    Thanks Kareen! Just joined on 1 Feb 🙂

  4. Joce February 18, 2012 at 9:44 am Reply

    I remember you winning some other contests in the past and now 2 at a go! Wow! Very blessed 🙂

    Great efforts in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here’s to a brand new you!

    • Susan February 18, 2012 at 2:59 pm Reply

      Oh yeah, I used to take part in all those lucky draws and contest and got real lucky somehow. Well the same me, just an improved version 🙂

  5. Yvonne Yeo February 18, 2012 at 10:39 am Reply

    Wow! Looks like a very fulfilling and exciting journey ahead. Wishing you all the best in your new work place. It’s nice to get out of our comfort zone and try something different for a change. Way to go, babe! And can’t wait to see the fantastic results of your lifestyle change too. *v*

    • Susan February 18, 2012 at 3:13 pm Reply

      Thanks Yvonne. It’s definitely a big step especially when staying status quo is so much more familiar and comfortable. I’m still learning to be bold to step up and step out of my comfort zone and not be held back by my worry wart ways 🙂

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