Motivational Mondays – Pressing on

Period – the time of the month when you are snappy and there is an invisible “do not stand in my way” sign above your head. You feel like a bloated whale from the water retention and your arms are perpetually around waist as your face contorts into a less than pleasant sight.

At least that’s the visual of me over the weekends…

I had zlinch motivation to eat clean or healthy and was craving for junk and carbs. I tried to take my mind off food by keeping myself with the housekeeping but that made me so tired that I just dozed off when I rested. Let’s not even talk about the digits staring right back on me when I weighed myself. (Always a bad idea I tell you).

It’s easy to slip down that slippery road of self condemnation and allow myself to believe the lie that I am not going to lose weight. So yesterday, I decided that I needed some good happy endorphins and went for a run. It wasn’t much, just 3km but it sure felt good!

Although I was out of breath but I came home full of life and in a much better mood too. So who says that you must have chocolates to make you feel better during that time of the month. Maybe all you need is a good workout!

PS: I did cheated and had fast food and bites of chocolate. The key lies in eating in moderation!

What do you do to banish that PMS feeling every month?

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Do link up every Monday with my Motivational Mondays post. The theme for January is health and fitness. Don’t forget to grab my badge and include it in your post after you have linked up and leave me a comment too. I will be hosting Motivational Monday every week and I hope that you can join me every Monday. Have a great week ahead!
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  1. Serenely January 21, 2013 at 11:45 am Reply

    Hi Susan! Well, I can’t say I am (or will be) suffering from PMS for a while. Though I am now emerging from a 3-month-long PMS-type experience with all-day-long symptoms of tiredness and morning sickness. The thing I TRY to remember through it (and with anything else unpleasant I might be going through) is that with everything and anything: THIS TOO SHALL PASS!

    • Susan January 21, 2013 at 4:15 pm Reply

      Thanks, that’s one of my mantra after being a mom as well.

  2. Dominique Goh January 21, 2013 at 12:01 pm Reply

    I don’t really suffer from PMS but do have down days. During those times I will look up to GOD and draw on his Strength to see me through the day.

    • Susan January 21, 2013 at 4:16 pm Reply

      Amen! I do need supernatural strength to get me through the day when everything is not going my way.

  3. Summer January 21, 2013 at 6:33 pm Reply

    I can’t remember when was the last time I ran 3km. Haha, you are really good, Susan. I don’t really have PMS too and I’m glad menses are out of my life for the time being. I would like to go to the beach and take a breather when I’m feeling stressed or sometimes I just busy myself doing crafts and NOT think about it. =) And oh, chocs do work for me too! Lol!

  4. Alicia - Beanie N Us January 22, 2013 at 7:09 pm Reply

    The last time I ran was 3 weeks ago when Dumpling had to be taken to the washroom and I had to run from one end of Giant to another end. Eyes bleary, ears buzzing and almost a hyperventilating me. Jogging and I do not really get along I reckon? :p So when the going gets tough and PMS gets bad, I eat. Well, I try to be healthy so I take soup. :p

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