Motivational Mondays – Eat well to be well

I’m ashamed to say that I’ve fallen off the bandwagon in my bid to be healthy and eat clean. Exercise has been nonexistent after one too many bout of flu, sore throat, rain, aching knees and what have you. Excuses! I know and so I am picking myself from where I left off.

I’ve recently joined a Health and Fitness WhatsApp group where a group of us mums are encouraging one another to eat healthy and do our exercise. It’s been working well because it has encouraged me to make better choices for my meals. Except perhaps for the days I have to eat my McDonald to get my hands on my Hello Kitty Fairy Tale plushies. My love for the mouthless feline is a curse 😛
Last week, I made a triple green salad for dinner and had rice crackers and smoothie for breakfast.
My salads are nothing fancy and here’s a simple recipe for it.
  • Mixed greens, of assorted lettuce and rocket
  • One kiwi
  • One cup of brocoli
  • One hard boiled egg
  • Tuna flakes (I used tuna flakes as a bright the wrong tin)
  • Pine nuts as garnish ( like it with walnuts or almond too)
  • Sesame dressing
Simply mix well and add dressing and dinner is served.

One thing that I enjoy starting the day with are my corn thins which are great as a substitute for bread. These are crackers made from popped maize grains and are 97% fat free. But more importantly, they are:

  • Free from artificial colours and preservatives
  • Gluten free
  • GMO free
  • Contain 10% dietary fibre


They can be topped with just about anything that you usually put on a bread. What I like to have them with is lettuce, eggs, tomatoes, cheese, tuna. Its’ so easy and really fuss free.
Plus when taken together with my oatmeal smoothie, recipe which I will share soon on the blog, I feel all ready for the day!
Don’t make any more excuses. Make the change TODAY!
How do you make an effort to eat clean? Do share how you do it or want to get motivated to start.
Do link up every Monday with my Motivational Mondays post. Don’t forget to grab my badge and include it in your post after you have linked up and leave me a comment too. I will be hosting Motivational Monday every week and I hope that you can join me every Monday. Have a great week ahead!
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