Merry Mondays {Linky party} – Weekend fun

The weekends never seem long enough. But we make the best out of them by having lots of fun.

Here’s the family posing before a little ice cream indulgence 🙂

I love that Sophie is now more willing to pose for photos. There was a period of time when she got angry and will tell me to stop taking photos of her. And when I do snap a picture of her, she’ll ask, “Are you putting my photo on Facebook?” That’s coming from a 3-year-old for you!

Just before we had ice cream, we were sharing our fries with Sophie (Yes, my diet goes down the drain on weekends). When Alexis tried to be cheeky and told her that he was eating her fries, she looked at him sternly and asked, “Are you Sophie? You are not Sophie!”  It was so funny that Alexis gave her a wide eyed looked and laughed. Where she learnt to be so bossy puzzles me and I have a suspicion that she’s going to be a little miss bossy if we do have a 2nd one and she’ll boss her little sibling around.

On Saturday, we traveled all the way to the other end of Singapore to the newly opened JCube for the Jurong Lake Run 2012 media launch as I was appearing as one of the hero’s featured in the ad where I represented  the value, “Family”.

Alexis and Sophie accompanied me for the event but soon disappeared to check out the new Olympic sized ice skating ring. I have a feeling that Alexis cant wait for Sophie to get older, so that he can teach her to ice skate and go inline skating with him.

Sophie wants to go ice skating too

And of course, the Saturday evening was when I had my 32nd birthday celebration with my friends and had lots of fun catching up with old friends.

How was your weekends and did you do anything special? Do link up to share your fun weekend activities. I sure wished I had a 4 day work week then the Monday blues would not be so blue.

Oh wait, tomorrow’s a public holiday. Suddenly, my mood just got better 🙂 Maybe I don’t have the Monday Blues after all.

A Juggling Mom

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  1. DC April 30, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. Sakura Haruka April 30, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    have a great week Susan 🙂

  3. A Juggling Mom April 30, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    Thanks Ai. Hope you get well soon and enjoy the public holiday tomorrow.

  4. Alicia Tan April 30, 2012 at 3:56 pm

    We did the outdoor kampung thing over the weekend – farm visit on Sat and then FarMart on Sunday. I did not take really good pictures ‘cos it was pouring and I was in too much of a hurry!

    I love ice skating and I intend to bring my Dumpling for it when she’s a tad older. Maybe mum can take lessons with her too! LOL

  5. willyn May 1, 2012 at 10:55 am

    Your little Sophie is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute 🙂
    Wanna pinch her cheeks…hehehe

  6. janie real May 2, 2012 at 7:24 pm

    congratulations for being a featured hero, susan! hats off to you =)

    • Susan May 2, 2012 at 8:29 pm

      Thanks Janie 🙂 and thanks for linking up on Merry Mondays too 🙂