Merry Mondays {Linky party} – I’m a female driver so what?

If there is one thing I absolutely loathe,  it would have to be getting behind the wheels and driving.

Come on, I’m a lady who believes that I’m to be driven around and not do the driving. So what if I had passed my driving test 9 years ago,  (and on my 2nd attempt if I may add), I still hate the idea of driving.

Alexis insists that it’s got nothing to do with the fact that he drives a manual car, to which I violently object because I go ballistic at the thought of trying to coordinate between changing gears and engaging hand brakes while going up carparks.

And because we’ve been together for 11 years,  my puppy eye look no longer works on him as he goes on and on like a broken record of how the only way to get over my lack of confidence is to DRIVE more often!

Drive me crazy that is.

Has he not seen the terrible things that female drivers do?


And how I look behind the wheel?

 Enough said…

Anyway last weekend, I agreed to drive and Sophie was so concerned for me, her, I cant quite decide which. My little backseat driver kept going, “be careful mummy”, ” drive slowly mummy.” I had to hush her a few times so that I could focus my attention on the road.

When we safely reached our destination, Alexis asked her if she wanted to drive when she grows up. Sophie replied, “Yes”, then paused and asked “Then who will seat in my car seat?”

My dear, by the time you can drive you will have no need for a car seat anymore and boy that makes me want to slow down the hands of time.


Do tell me that there are more of you ladies who can’t stand getting behind the wheels. And for those who do it like second nature, do share how I can overcome my fears of driving. Why do I get a feeling, one piece of advise if to keep practicing?

Why is this a Merry Mondays post? I’m sure my females driver jokes if not posters made you smile, so there!

To encourage more Merry Mondays posts, don’t forget to copy and paste the code below and place it at the bottom of your blog post.  Have a great week ahead!

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  1. Adelyn Peter March 26, 2012 at 9:09 am

    Susan, you are so funny! I LOVE to drive! I love the feeling of being in control, freedom and speed!

  2. Susan Koh March 26, 2012 at 9:11 am

    Ade: I love to be in the passeger’s seat anytime! Anyway I better with directions so it works perfectly. Because once you put me behind the wheels, I lose my navigation ability and can only drive to places I know.

  3. Emily March 26, 2012 at 9:12 am

    Interesting post, Susan! I guess there is really no short-cut way to overcome the fear of driving EXCEPT to drive more often… I started the “real” driving three years ago when my son started his pre-nursery. I drove my son to school, then sent my maid to my MIL’s house, then back to my office. As time goes by, I gained my confidence.

    Now, I simply can’t imagine taking public transport that is becoming more and more congested. Driving is a bliss!

    • Susan March 26, 2012 at 9:37 pm

      Hi Emily,
      Thanks for dropping by.
      I do agree that taking the public transport these day are a nightmare. But driving gives me equal nightmares. I guess you are right that practicing is the key to overcoming my fears for driving. So that’s what I did this evening, and we survived the peak hour traffic back home!

  4. Adelyn Peter March 26, 2012 at 9:14 am

    Great! We can go on a holiday together 🙂

  5. Joanne Lee March 26, 2012 at 9:30 am

    Susan *hi five*!!! I drove while in US, with less congested and wider roads but I always spot after driving! Not too good for the bb in my tummy coz I must be full of stress hormones :p Caleb was chatting with a friend’s parent the other day and he said “u know, my mummy drove the yellow car in US BUT she always drive so SLOWLY”… Thanks boy :p

  6. Ming March 26, 2012 at 10:22 am

    i LURVE to drive!!! I fight with WL on who’s the one driving because I, on the other hand, think I drive better than most other people! haha… perhaps it’s also because I got my license much earlier than WL so I have been driving him around for ages before he first drove me around. And the control freak me in loves the power of control. 😛

    • Susan March 26, 2012 at 9:31 pm

      Ming Yuan, that’s something that I can’t relate too. if Alexis wants to drive, I’ll gladly hand the keys over ANYTIME 🙂

  7. Nina Lee March 26, 2012 at 11:00 am

    I’m exactly like u!!! Got my licence more than 10 yrs ago and I think I’ve forgotten how to drive. My dad n hubby (then boyfriend) had such confidence in me when I just got my licence dat 1 pretended to be drunk during a party n insisted dat I took over the wheels n drive his 2L car. The other got me to drive his van to run some errands. I tell u, I was always perspiring after reaching the destination cod I was Sooo nervous!

    The last time I drove was a few yrs ago when hubby had to attend to his client who met with an accident on the highway. Hubby just pulled up at the shoulder, said he’s gonna be long n told me to drive his car home. I was like ‘???!!!!!’ cos I haven’t been driving after so many yrs. He said boh bian, u gotta go.

    And I did. With my dog sitting at the front passenger seat, I crawled at an amazing speed of abt 30kmph, on the highway. Luckily, it was a short trip out of the highway and back to home. And yup, both doggie n me were in one piece.

  8. Regina March 26, 2012 at 11:52 am

    My husband can’t decide which is better… me not driving, or me driving him up the wall. 😀

    • Susan March 26, 2012 at 9:28 pm

      Haha. For my case, I get super black face when I have to drive, so huby has to put up with a grouch after that.

  9. Elaine Ho March 26, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    I like driving but my problem is lack of sense of direction. I passed my driving some 10 years ago and back then GPS wasn’t so prevalent or efficient as they are today so driving was a stressful series of either getting lost or memorising routes only to be forgotten the moment I got to the destination. I just can’t hold a map in my mind. I love love love driving when I have an efficient navigator who either knows the way or can read maps well but such people were few and far between in my life. Am really grateful for GPS now. If only I don’t stay 5 minutes from work so I have a reason to get a car.

    • Susan March 26, 2012 at 9:27 pm

      I’m actually quite good with my directions until I get behind the wheels. It’s probably the only time that my multi-taking abilities fail me.

  10. Susan Koh March 26, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    Jo: Haha Caleb is so “encouraging”! Kindda like Sophie when she kept going drive slowly, be careful.

  11. Susan Koh March 26, 2012 at 4:21 pm

    Nina: you’re brave. I would rather take public transport home then drive all by myself.

  12. Christine Loo March 26, 2012 at 6:48 pm

    Omg Suz, I can so relate to you!

  13. Susan Koh March 26, 2012 at 9:26 pm

    Christine: Glad to know I’m not alone.

  14. Evelyn March 26, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    Hey Susan, at least you can drive! I wanted to take lessons as a kid but my parents were convinced I’d take their car out and wreck it. (They’re probably right.) Anyway I lost interest until recently, when my hubby finally got his license! But this is like what cooking is to me… just an idea brewing in my head!

  15. Jayne March 26, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    haha I know what you mean. I started off the same. Now I actually like the freedom of driving anywhere I like to go. So I think your husband might be right – gotta drive more to gain confidence! But then, I also very much prefer to be chauffered!

  16. the bottomsup blog » #26 Chalk It Up March 26, 2012 at 11:38 pm

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  17. Lee Lee March 27, 2012 at 1:47 am

    Wow Susan. Keep going at it and soon you will be great in the driver’s seat. I envy people who drive 🙂

  18. Lisa March 27, 2012 at 4:40 am

    I love how the woman whose car crashed into the boat is like “yea, I did it, and I’m happy about it!” As for getting over your fears of driving, I’d be afraid to drive in Asia too. LOL. In the States, I love to drive but that’s because for the most part ppl here are predictable. My best advice on how to drive in Asia is to go with the flow. Learn your blind spots. And it’s ok to sweat or turn down the radio (or your daughter!). Also, plan your route carefully so at least you won’t be nervous about getting lost at the same time driving is making your nervous. Good luck!

  19. Rachel March 27, 2012 at 9:40 am

    Hehe the picture of the boat n car is so funny!
    Driving is not a favorite activity mine either, considering the volume of traffic on the road. Altho I am thankful tat I have this skill…since public transport is not too dependable these days!

  20. Ruth March 27, 2012 at 10:37 am

    I enjoy driving (I think). The only problem is I don’t like driving the hubby’s PRECIOUS car! And the other thing is I worry what is the car broke down while I’m driving? What the heck am I supposed to do? 😛 Other than that, I like the ‘freedom’ that comes with being able to drive around. So I hope to practise more… and hopefully with a car of my own? 😉

  21. Haifang March 27, 2012 at 2:54 pm

    I think one need to b a bit of a control freak or an adrenaline junkie in order to love driving. I remember how totally stressed out and exhausted I was when had to drive a manual car from one end of the island to the other every morning. And I think your hubs is right. It comes with practice … U go girl 🙂

  22. Ai Sakura March 28, 2012 at 4:32 pm

    Actually I love driving!!! But I haven’t driven for many years too… and I passed my AUTOMATIC license on the 3rd try haha

  23. bookjunkie March 29, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    Loved this post…feel totally the same way about driving. Rather be driven 😉 Especially with the impatient aggressive drivers on Singapore roads.

  24. Sandy April 17, 2012 at 2:35 pm

    Haha, you are funny! I love to drive. Put me in the driver’s seat anytime! When I was young, I could not wait to reach the age to get a driving license, and went as soon as I could. Your husband is right, driving more is the only way to get out of your fear. But that said, I find it hard to convince my girl friend and my sister to do it.
    Oh, and you are lucky you still have a manual car, it is so much fun to drive one!:)