Kung Fu Panda 2- the Return of Awesomeness

There are very few cartoons on the big screen that had me anticipating for a sequel. So imagine my delight when I found out there was going to be a 2nd installment of Kung Fu Panda.

Being movie junkies, Hubby and I decided to catch the movie on our 5th wedding anniversary. The storyline for Kung Fu Panda 2 is somewhat darker than the original and at the same time attempts to pull at your heart string as Po’s past is unveiled. Po sets out in search of his past as he realized that he’s not his dad’s son as he’s a Panda and his dad is a (Oh gasp!) duck (yes how did he ever suspect that?!) whom I’m guessing came from Hong Kong instead of China.

As the Dragon Warrior, Po must now defeat the new villian in town, Lord Shen, a act high class peacock, who threatens to take over China with his new weapon of dustruction. It’s a good thing Po has the furious five kicking butts alongside him, otherwise how can we expect a clumsy oversized panda to fight for justice with his growling stomach? Nevertheless, I loved the creativity of how they fought off the bad guys.

Although there are less goofy moments in the sequel, Jack Black still brings magic to Po’s character, injecting much laughs and silliness to the movie which sent the kids in the cinema laughing out loud. If anything, seeing Po as a cute and cuddly baby panda made him more endearing to me and certainly brought out the maternal instincts in me.

The 3D effects was a bit of a disappointment since I was looking forward to it. But I did like the effects for Po’s flasbacks which added to the dramatics of his journey in search of his past. Overall, the movie has delivered on it’s awesomeness and you definitely want to catch it in 3D with the family this June holidays.

The funniest comment I heard from a kid in the cinema “Daddy why the wolf didn’t jump into my face.” I’m guessing that his Dad told him that 3D movies makes everything jumps IN your face πŸ™‚

Now don’t you just love the innocence in kids.

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  1. Daphne June 6, 2011 at 11:01 pm Reply

    Hmmm…so is it better than the first one? I’m probably gonna catch it with the kids this week.

    • Susan June 7, 2011 at 9:41 pm Reply

      The first one has a more simple plot of Po’s journey as the Dragon Warrior. The sequeal is more serious but still funny. I’m sure you and your kids will still enjoy it πŸ™‚

  2. Ruth June 7, 2011 at 8:42 pm Reply

    I watched this! Liked it better than the first, and baby Po is sooooo cute πŸ™‚

    • Susan June 12, 2011 at 2:54 pm Reply

      The 2nd one has more “heart” while the first one had more laughs. Enjoyed both and will be looking forward to the 3rd one.

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