Johnny English Reborn movie review

Rowan Atkinson, more affectionately known as Mr Bean, returns as Johnny English in Johnny English Reborn. I had the chance to catch a super sneak preview of the movie last Wednesday at Shaw Lido. Right after the show, I tweeted about it.

“As usual Rowan Atkinson delivered his usual slapsticks in Johnny English Reborn, Not crazy about it but it was a good mid week destresser!”

Honestly, with a movie poster looking like that, it’s no surprise what you can expect from the movie.

The synopsis in a nutshell :
Johnny English is recalled back into the services of MI-7 after disappearing in the mountains of Tibet to hone his super spy skills. Now he has to stop a group of international assassins before they kill a world leader and cause global chaos. He finds out about a conspiracy surrounding Vortex and a mole within MI-7 and has to stop them before they destroy the world. But first he has to stop the auntie-killer, who is always a step ahead of him. Can he redeem himself from his last mission failure and be reborn as a top spy?

Needless to say, in this comedy spy-thriller, Atkinson delivered plenty of slapsticks while trying to save the world. Even though some scenes were predictable and bordered on being lame, ultimately I had many good laughs by the end of the movie. The scene that really cracked me up was the scene where he snapped the lever of the office chair and went up and down while his superior tried to convince the Prime Minster that he’s the man as Head of security.

I leave you with a famous quote from the movie – “Mind must be master of the body” and this picture.

Don’t get it? Watch the movie and find out for yourself!

Johnny English Reborn opens in cinema next Thursday, 15 September 2011. Move over now 007!

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