Easter Cupcakes

When I laid my eyes on these packets of orange Peeps marshmallows at Cold Storage I had all these ideas on how I could use them to decorate my cupcakes for Easter.

See the loads of inspirations I had

Peeps cupcakes lollipops! Who would have thought?

But alas the cupcakes that I looked forward to left me feeling so despondent. I don’t even know where to start from. Firstly, they looked absolutely down sunken (which coincided with my mood after I saw them too).

Some of the possible causes for this according to my friends from FaceBook is that:

  • Oven was too hot so the cupcakes was cooked before it had time to rise
  • Mixture was beaten too much which means there is no more air to help it rise
  • I did not fold in the flour properly
  • Hot air may have been pushed out when I shut the door too hard
  • Temperature was too high (recipe called for 180C but some friends said I could bake them at a lower temperature)

The last is very debatable since I observed that the temperature in the oven was not consistent throughout the baking duration. For some freak reason, even though I was supposed to bake it at 180C, the temperature dropped to 150C when 20 mins was up. I think I was sabotaged by my oven 😛

Even though I was tempted to cover the flaws of the cupcakes with my pastel colored cream cheese frosting (everyone knows you can get away with anything in pastel colors), I dumped the idea as these cuppies failed the taste test too. I am feeling so bummed and mad sad.

Perhaps I should attend a baking class and learn the proper techniques to baking. Any recommendations?


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