Businesses that welcome children

I’m sure many parents would have come across this article in the news sometime back. It was reported that some Singapore restaurants like the PS Café in Ang Siang Hill had a no children policy. And the reason quoted was that the policy was implemented from a practical and safety point of view.

To these companies, I have two words for you BS! Ok, just two letters because I can’t swear on a parenting blog. Seriously don’t these companies realize how big of a market they are missing?

Anyway, I woke up this morning and saw an advertisement for the “We Welcome Families week” that is happening this week from 3-11 September. ‘We Welcome Families’ Week is organised by the Businesses for Families Council (BFC), and features family-friendly businesses that are committed to serving families better, and also aims to create more opportunities for family to shop, dine and enjoy together.

Yes, businesses that welcomes children, babies, toddlers, children!

For the month of September, ‘We Welcome Families’ is offering special treats, discounts and family deals that ranges from dining to lifestyle and even shopping. To make it really easy, they have a free family-friendly handy guide that you can download and bring along.

As a family that dines out quite a fair bit, I think that this would definitely be useful especially when we always have to look for kiddy friendly restaurants to eat at. Oh and some of these restaurants even have a play area or playground facility which Sophie would go wild over.

Another promotion they have is the We Welcome Families’ photo contest.  All you got to do is snap a family picture with a least 2 generations capturing the business’s logo. There are weekly cash prizes including a grand cash prize of $1,000 to be won!

Love such an initiative for business that cares for families with children!  For more information, go to

 A family that eats together, stays together!

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  1. Yvonne September 3, 2011 at 4:29 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Susan! Definitely needs to know more of such pro-family places and yes, those r BSssss…

    • Susan September 6, 2011 at 1:30 am

      Yeah they just don’t know what they’re missing…

      • Yvonne September 9, 2011 at 12:26 am

        btw, I happened to pick up a We Welcome Family’s brochure with coupons at a sistic ticketing outlet. So do keep a look out if you happen to pass by any. =)

        • Susan September 9, 2011 at 7:26 pm

          Oh thanks, I’ll keep a lookout for it.