A surprise on Father’s Day morning

On Father’s Day morning, I brought Alexis to Antoinette that was recommended by Rachel. Even though it was so close to us, I have never noticed this quaint little French patisserie.

The moment you step foot into the cafe, the french decor and array of delectable desserts will take your breathe away.

We settled for breakfast and were very pleased with our choice.

The blueberry pancakes was an absolute delight and even though it was what Alexis ordered, I’ll kept going back for more. We will return for desserts another time as I’ve already got my eye on a few items.

Sophie was all smiles with Daddy on Father’s Day.

We took a short walk towards the Lavender MRT and spotted a familiar face on the street banner.

Yes that’s me.

I was surprised to have finally caught sight of it since I’ve heard a couple of my friends mentioned that they have seen it at East Coast Park and of course at Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden where the Jurong Lake Run 2012 will be held.

Which reminds me, I’ve got less than a month to prepare for the run. Thankfully, it’s only a 6km run and not a marathon.

Since my emo post last week about feeling too stretched, I’ve decided to be contented being a balanced mom and not allow the small things to overwhelm me. One way it to keep finding pockets of time for myself, like exercising, reading and yes, learning to disconnect to connect with those that matter like Alexis and Sophie. I’m still learning the ropes as a mom, especially when dealing with difficult situations like tantrums and all. I haven’t got it all figures out yet, but I reckon Motherhood is a journey but thankfully, I’ve got lots of love and support from my family and friends, especially the moms from SMB 🙂  *big hugs*

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  1. Cindy June 19, 2012 at 10:04 am Reply

    Hope you managed to find some help with housework!

    • Susan June 19, 2012 at 10:08 am Reply

      Hi Cindy, yes I have, thanks to your contact. She’ll be starting in July after my sister shifts out of my place. Thanks once again 🙂

  2. Ai Sakura June 19, 2012 at 12:27 pm Reply

    big hugs. I love the ambiance and desserts at Antoinette too 🙂 time for another play date and brunch? haha…

    • Susan June 19, 2012 at 8:52 pm Reply

      Yes a playdate for our girls soon. But lets choose a place with a playground then they’ll enjoy themselves too.

  3. Emily June 21, 2012 at 9:45 am Reply

    The banner is cool, and you look fantastic…. I really admire your courage to go for the run.. I think I will faint before I even hit 1km.. keke!

  4. Double Ls Mom July 1, 2012 at 10:19 pm Reply

    I will be doing the 10K, next week. Maybe we might bump into each other at the start of the run. Hehe…

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