The perfect Mother’s Day gift

If you’ve been too busy to notice, Mother’s Day is this Sunday, 12 May.  For those who have yet to buy a gift, here’s guide for the perfect Mother’s Day gift.

And yes, this one is for the husbands too because even though you’re not your wife’s son, you’re the one who made her a mum.

1. A pamper mum day– go the full works with a spa or massage, mani and pedi, facial and a trip to the hair salon. Instant booster and perk me up for all mums.

2. For new mums – A fashionable diaper bag. This is a winner gift especially for new mums who wants to remain chic and not frumpy. I heard Kate Spade is pretty popular but please no photos of her new bag with a “V” sign. 

3. For mums who just stopped nursing – a Nespresso coffee machine. Stopping to breastfeed may be a bitter sweet moment so help her adjust by reminding her of some things that she used to enjoy like a nice cup of coffee. If coffee is not her thing, maybe some margarita would be great too!

4. Breakfast in bed. What better way to put a smile on her face right from the start of day. Just make sure it’s not McDonald’s delivery and please give her a morning to sleep in and not wake her before 9am!

5. A home cooked meal. Made her breakfast? Take it a step further and cook her favorite dishes. Just make sure you wash the dishes too.

6. For mums who haven’t had a good night sleep– Dark circle eye cream- which mum doesn’t need this especially if they’ve got young  kids who keep them up at night ? In fact I think it’s exactly what I need too

7. Sun glasses. If number 6 fails to deliver, just go straight for a pair of sunnies. At least mummy can look chic while chasing the kids around the playground.

8. A day at the movies. Most mums haven’t stepped in a cinema for ages. So bring her out for a movie date and make sure you let her choose her favorite too.

9.  For mums with a sweet tooth -Laduree macrons. Mums queue for all kinds of bargains. But buying or let along queuing for a macron that costs $3.80 a piece will make her run in the opposite direction. Show her her that she’s worth the queue time. Oh and I recommend the rose petal and salted caramel flavour.

10.  A hand made gift – mum are suckers for this as it really shows your sincerity. So why not make a personalised gift together with your kids and she’s bound to turn to mush.

In fact, I’m looking forward to see what Sophie is going to come back with on Friday as the child care centre will be teaching them about Mother’s Day and I’m pretty sure they’ll be making hand made gifts.

For some mums I know, money may not buy them happiness because all they want is to be able to sleep in on weekends, time to pee, bathe poo without an audience and having uninterrupted sleep just for one night. Yes, it’s tough work being a mum.

What are you looking forward to for Mother’s Day?


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Comments: 10

  1. Summer May 6, 2013 at 9:32 am Reply

    Great ideas, Susan! No. 10 will make me a very happy mum but I’m not pinning much hope on that. Haha. =) We will probably just have a nice meal together with our mums too!

    • Susan May 6, 2013 at 2:16 pm Reply

      Yes, my mum is looking forward to not doing the coking for Mother’s Day too 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day to you in advanced!

  2. qiuxian May 6, 2013 at 10:16 am Reply

    Can I have everything on that day? Then I promise to be good to the husband and the kids for the rest of the year ha ;p

    • Susan May 6, 2013 at 2:37 pm Reply

      I’m not so greedy. Give me half of the list and I’ll be a happy mama 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day in advance!

  3. 21st Century Mummy May 6, 2013 at 1:35 pm Reply

    Love all these ideas. We’re going out for brunch on Sunday and I’d like a designer handbag, but don’t actually think I’m going to get one.

    • Susan May 6, 2013 at 11:02 pm Reply

      Actually I was not very honest. I don’t have a wish list because I took to the mall last week, bought what I liked and told hubby, I’ve charged it to your account. I would like to think that I saved him a headache 🙂

      • 21st Century Mummy May 7, 2013 at 9:38 am Reply

        Now that is a good idea. Not sure my husband would be impressed if I went out and bought the Tory Burch bag I want without telling him.

        • Susan May 8, 2013 at 9:24 pm Reply

          Haha. For a Tory, I’ll say it’s worth a shot!

  4. Patty May 8, 2013 at 9:43 am Reply

    Oh how I wish I could get all of these on mother’s day! 🙂 Now I want to put together my own wishlist too. Great post, Susan!

    • Susan May 8, 2013 at 9:22 pm Reply

      Thanks Patty. Can you tell that I as giving the hubby big hints with this post subtly too?

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