Have you hugged your child today?

In our family, there are lots of hugs and kisses for everyone.

  • A hug to show how much we care
  • A kiss that says I love you dear
  • A hug to chase away the pain

Everyday, we make it a point to tell Sophie how much we love her. And in return she’ll tell us “I like mama, I like Daddy”. These are truly priceless moments for us as parents.

Last Sunday, Sophie was feeling especially affectionate and leaned over to give Daddy a hug and kiss before breakfast.

Arent these just the sweetest moments a Dad can ask for?

Don’t put it off. Give your child a hug and tell them how much they matter to you today!

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  1. San Gabe Alex September 15, 2011 at 1:43 pm Reply

    A very sweet post.
    I hug Baby G every morning and night. A hug & a kiss to wake him up. A hug & a kiss while tucking him in.
    I realized that if one is affectionate, it is reciprocated. It feels good.

  2. June September 15, 2011 at 9:33 pm Reply

    Like! A hug is a simple but powerful way to show your love for your little ones…we try to do them every morn and night too. 🙂

  3. Susan Koh September 16, 2011 at 7:52 pm Reply

    Yes and I feel it helps them to be more confident of themselves too 🙂

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