Starting Primary One – We survived the first days of Primary One

This week was a major milestone for Sophie as she leveled up to Primary One! The feeling that my little baby has grown up and is off to Primary One is still such a surreal feeling as we made the final checks for her school bag last Sunday evening. Mummy here, is probably the one who needs to learn to let go and allow her to spread her wings as she enters a new stage of her life.


Her first day went by smoothly and like most first time Primary One parent, I applied for leave on the first and second day to ease her into her new routine. As her school didn’t allow parents to enter the school compound even on the first day, I had to maintain my composure so that she  wouldn’t be able to spot the signs of separation anxiety I had as I watch her walk into the gate and disappear into a sea of students. No chance for me to be a paparazzi and watch her from the sidelines.

On my way to work on Monday,  the journey was extra quiet and oh how I missed her company and morning chatter which can be sometimes funny and embarrassing at the same time. While at work, I wondered how she was getting along, if she made new friends, ate anything for recess and if she was missing me like I am.

But I must say she did so well on her first day. And like what her principal assured us, our kids are indeed more resilient and adaptable than we give them credit for. Sophie came home with so much to share, from the things she did in her class, to where she sat in class, the new friends she made, her first impression on her teachers and what she had at recess.

When I asked her if she was the shortest in her class, something I tease her about as she’s is so short, she replied with gusto, “No, I’m number 3. Not that bad, right?” We’re so thankful that Sophie is taking well to a new environment and hope that her enthusiasm for school continues.

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This year, all Primary One going students received a handbook and it had lots of helpful tips and advice especially for first time parents like us. The orientation at school also gave Sophie her a better idea of what to expect before she started school and while she may not know anyone in school prior to joining, I’m confident that with her friendly and bubbly personalty, she’ll have no problem making lots of new friends.

As I wouldn’t be home with her in the afternoons, I printed a timetable to encourage her to manage her time and be kept occupied with things to do. Praise God, that school’s only a stone’s throw away so we get the luxury of leaving home at 7:10 in the morning and getting home in less than 10 mins 🙂 Hopefully, she’ll ease into the new routine and get used to waking up early.  

It’s been an exciting first two days and the journey has only just begun 🙂 For me, I hope to remain a cool headed mum and not be overly stressed at this point in time. A friend once gave a good piece of advice to surround myself with like-minded parents so that we do not lose ourselves in this very KS society where our kids are measured only by their academic success. There is so much to our kids than just their grades and I hope that I will always remember that and impart these value to Sophie as well 🙂

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Reading at her new desk that papa bought

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Starting on a classic- Charlotte’s Web!

Primary One Diary

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Comments: 7

  1. Camille January 6, 2016 at 9:40 pm Reply

    Sounds like she’s handling the big transition really well!! 🙂

    • Susan January 6, 2016 at 11:14 pm Reply

      Yes and we are so glad she’s liking it so far 🙂

  2. June January 6, 2016 at 11:20 pm Reply

    I think Sophie will do just fine, with her can-do attitude and sweet and happy-go-lucky nature. Jiayou to us mamas, in this new journey of letting go and letting God. 🙂

    • Susan January 7, 2016 at 5:54 pm Reply

      Yes, will trust our kids and trust in the Lord that He watches over them 🙂

  3. mmlittlee January 7, 2016 at 10:02 am Reply

    I love it that there’s a Sophie’s Adventures book! hahaha Gosh.. Big Girl Now! How How How! Enjoy and seize the moment!

  4. Lyn Lee January 7, 2016 at 11:29 am Reply

    We have that desk too! Only problem is that the surface becomes a tad small. But still ok.

    Glad to see that she’s starting school with a great attitude! Hope the afternoon timetable works out well for her too. 🙂

  5. Year in Review for 2016 - A Juggling Mom December 28, 2016 at 7:15 am Reply

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