The Mom Challenge- the first week

I signed up for the 30 Day Mom Challenge that was posted by Candace from Life in Pleasantville along with several other mummies who all have one thing in mind- to slow down and appreciate our kids for who they are. While it’s unlikely that I’ll be recalling my day to day’s hits and misses with this challenge, here’s my progress for the first five days.

Day one challenge- what is one thing we can do together, this month?

This one’s for me and hubby- to start a healthier lifestyle.

It’s true what they say about how a kid changes everything. For us, exercise is way at the bottom of our to-do list. Seriously, with a 9-6 job, what energy are we left with by the end of the day? Plus I have a mothering job that keeps me busy from 7-10:30pm. But yes, it’s time we ditched this lousy excuse and did something good for our heart, body and soul and embark on a healthier lifestyle.

For starters, we have agreed to take turns to put Sophie and bed and Sophie has also very gamely agreed. So no more excuses…

Day two challenge- Go the whole day without yelling at your children

This sounded easy enough since I’m a full-time working mom. But no, that very same morning, Sophie turned deaf to all my instructions in the morning to sit on the potty, get changed and wear her shoes. My feathers got all riled up and I *gasped* yelled…

Boo to me 🙁  Reminder to self: Not proud of it, but there’s always tomorrow. I can do better.

Day three challenge-Hug your child three times today

Piece of cake since hugs are given out freely everyday in our home. I love it the most when Sophie gives me one without me asking for it. Which is like the best feeling in the world for me.

Just the other day, I updated on my FaceBook Status that when I gave Sophie a bed time hug and she asked, “How about a kiss?” Makes you go awwww, doesn’t it? Another reason why daughters are the best.

Day four challenge-Kiss your child while they are sleeping

I love doing this, don’t you? Some nights, I would even just lie next to Sophie and watch her sleep, amazed at how this little life can bring out the best and worst in me. As I plant a kiss on her forehead as she sleeps, I say a little prayer for her and hopes she’ll grow up to be an amazing kid, just like how she amazes me everyday.

Day five challenge- Tell yourself, “It’s okay, he/ she’s only __ years old. He’s still a child then treat him that way.

Some days, I let her get away with things, just because she’s only two years old. Like it’s okay that she’s not fully potty trained. It’s also okay if she’s still scared to poo (yes we’re still struggling with this!).

It’s definitely still okay if she doesn’t know the days in a week, counting from 1-100, .. I was kidding. I’m no Tiger Mummy and don’t intend to be one, thank you.

But yeah, I sometimes do forget that she’s only two and expect her to know how to behave. I’m trying to remember that she’s just a kid and she’s entitled to all the fun, silly and sometimes naughty stuffs too. So repeat after me, your child is still a kid…

And of course, what’s a blog post without a picture right?

So here’s our mother and daughter moment that we took recently. (I need a lesson on how to take more flattering pictures) But don’t you think that this pose looks strangely familar? Maybe you’ve seen it from here.

Do let me know if you’re also taking part in the mom challenge and I’ll link you up. Have a good long weekend everyone.


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  1. Ming November 6, 2011 at 3:42 pm Reply

    the fact that you even took part in this challenge is commendable. 🙂

    and yes, daughters are the best! WL and i saw a father practically begging his son for a kiss, who decided he was too “man” to kiss in public. and our girl, who saw the whole incident, just turned and kiss her daddy without even being asked. daughters are seriously the best. 😛

    • Susan November 7, 2011 at 7:24 pm Reply

      Yes and of course it has nothing to do with the fact that we’re daughters too right?

  2. Madeline November 8, 2011 at 1:10 am Reply

    So true about the yelling.. I need to stop that too!

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