Motivational Mondays – Cultivating an attitude of gratitude {gratitude jar project}

We’re only three days away from the end of 2014 before we welcome a brand new year. As I look back at the 362 days gone by, I can’t help but feel a tinge of regret for the things that could have been and should have been. And perhaps you feel the same way too.

Like how I wished I could have been more disciplined in keeping to lights out before midnight, or making exercise a lifestyle, or perhaps even being more patient as a mum or wife or daughter…. And being more organised and spending my time on people and things that matters more in life.

While I may have written about my personal ups and down moments on this blog and shared about the countless blessings that I’ve been thankful for, there are also episodes in my life where I wished I could see the purposes for them and be grateful that they happened. And of course, we sometimes overlook the good that we’ve been blessed by especially when they can seem so insignificant and trivia that we take them for granted.

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” –Epictetus

So, come this New Year, I’ll be starting a new tradition to make a conscious effort to take time and pen down what I’m grateful for in life and drop them into my Gratitude Jar. You can easily make one with a jar, box or folder but I do like mine in a mason jar. Then plan is to pause and reflect upon my day nightly before I go to bed since I’ve also started to teach Sophie to thank God for one thing each day during her bedtime prayers.

I think that this will make a meaningful family tradition to usher in the New Year and set our hearts on the right note. And I invite you to do the same with me on New Year’s day as we make 2015 an even better year than we had in 2014. At the end of the year, I’m sure that we can truly say that we’ve been blessed beyond measure 🙂

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” -John F. Kennedy 


Gratitude Jar

Picture Credits: Soul Jars Facebook

Start the New Year with a grateful heart!

Link up for Motivational Mondays

Motivational Mondays linky will continue in 2015 and for the month of January, the theme is focusing on getting your act around the home. This will be all about getting our homes in order, be it being more organised, or having a better routine for the family, planning time-saving meals, etc.

I invite you to link up with me every Monday so that others can benefit from your tips, tricks and sharing and be encouraged that it’s possible. Don’t forget to grab my badge blow and include it in your post after you have linked up and leave me a comment too.

I host Motivational Monday every week and I hope that you can join me every Monday. Have a great week ahead and fabulous year ahead!
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Comments: 2

  1. Angelia December 29, 2014 at 7:14 pm Reply

    It’s always great to do reflections and end with praise and Thanksgiving! Have yet to blog on mine. hee. Praying God’s abundant grace overflow to a new 2015 for your family! It’s been indeed motivating to join you in this journey to be spurred and encouraged!

    • Susan December 29, 2014 at 9:04 pm Reply

      Thanks for being a part of this journey too and I’ve been so blessed and encouraged by the sharing on your blog too. Here’s wishing you a more fulfilling year in 2015 and may the Lord continue to direct and pour his faithfulness in you and your family’s lives.

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